Kid's Ministry

Pointing Kids and Families to Christ

Sunday Morning Kids & Youth

Sundays 9:00 - 10:10AM

Current 2 Year old's - 4th Grade

Volunteers for the fall:  We are looking for Sunday School guides, large group presenters, and behind the scenes volunteers for this fall. Contact the church office to sign up or for more information.

More information herE

Our Savior Lutheran Church Kid's Ministry

Please take a moment to look through the many options for

kids and families to grow in faith, knowledge, and fellowship here at Our Savior.

One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4

  • Vacation Bible School

    Vacation Bible School is a weeklong event where children and their families come together to learn about Jesus.  This fun-filled event gives children an opportunity to invite friends.  It also gives our church an opportunity to invite the Norfolk community.

  • Baptism

    Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God’s command and combined with God’s word. In baptism, God, the Holy Trinity, receives us into communion or fellowship with Himself. At baptism a child receives a baptismal certificate and candle along with a quilt. Baptism presents a time for parents and the church to make a public announcement before God that we together, will do everything we can to help a child, or adult, grow in their faith. 

  • Sunday School

    Sundays from 9:00-10:10am.  Check-in and registration open at 8:40am. Registration is also on our website. Our Savior works together with families to point kids to Jesus. We offer something for two-year-Old’s and their parents through grade four. Come and join in the FUN!

  • 2 Year Old Parenting Class

    Two year old's and their parents meet every Sunday.  This class allows parents and their children to make new friends and learn about God’s love.  The philosophy of this class comes from Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”  If children at the age of two are cognitively learning; we can certainly begin training them up in the Lord.  

  • Two-Year-Old Faith Milestone

    It is our privilege as a church to celebrate what is happening spiritually in your home and in the life of your child. We encourage this process of faith building by presenting a toddler Bible to the parents to give to their child during worship. This gives the church an opportunity to pass on God’s word.

  • Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

    Children who are ages 3, 4, or in Kindergarten are grouped accordingly while in small group.  They come together for two large group presentations.  The content will be very Jesus centered.  The children will be challenged to take their faith into everyday applications.  The lessons use active learning methods utilizing multiple senses.   

  • Grades 1-4

    These four grades will be on the same Bible lesson; but will meet in small groups with their same grade level.  They come together for one large group presentation, and in small groups, guides discuss the application points of the day’s lesson while applying it through hands-on application experiences. 

  • 1st Grade Milestone

    Helping families continue to grow spiritually, even after the words of Holy Baptism, we support spiritual growth by putting God’s Holy Scripture in each child’s hand, with an age-appropriate Bible. The child is then taught to bring their Bible on Sunday mornings to use in Xplore Our Savior. 

  • Family Events

    Family Events are organized with the intent of giving the whole family a time to come together to fellowship with other church members and grow in their understanding of Jesus Christ, their Savior. Join us for fun events such as the Pumpkin Patch, Nativity Pageant, Christmas Caroling, Movie Night and Experience Camp Luther.

  • Intentional Transition 4th to 5th Grade

    Fourth grade will move to the middle high room towards the end of the Xplore Our Savior, Sunday school year. This gives the kids a chance to get connected to the next grade level.  This will help with the intentional retention of kids within the church, as they make the transition from grade to grade. 

  • Camp Luther of Nebraska, Schuyler

    Our Savior would like to help every child have a church camp experience! It is our privilege to partner with Camp Luther. Through the power of God’s word and the beauty of His creation camp transforms the lives of kids, families, and His Kids campers into a closer likeness of Christ Jesus. Plan to canoe, shoot some archery, and take part in epic large group games! Sing around the campfire, create awesome memories and make great friends! See for detailed information and registration. Note that Camp Luther has a multi-child discount and a no camper turned away policy. Contact our church office for information about Our Savior’s camperships.

  • Christian Education

    If you have questions about formal Christian education for your child, we are here to help you. We partner with Christ Lutheran school and Lutheran High Northeast. Our Savior has delegates on the school board at CLS and we are part of the LHNE Association. We are also excited about our church bodies opportunities at our Concordia colleges and Seminaries. If you have interest in pursuing formal Christian education after Highschool we would be happy to talk to you about that path.