Faith Milestones

Our Savior partners with families to train and teach their children to point them to Christ.

It is our privilege as a church to celebrate what has happened spiritually in the lives of your child.


Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.

PURPOSE of Faith Milestone Events:

Provide an opportunity for the congregation to celebrate and support both children and families in their walk of faith. 

  • Baptism

    Baptism is water included with Gods command and combined with Gods word to provide forgiveness of sins to all who believe. Baptism presents a time for parents and the church to make a public announcement before God that we, together, will do everything we can to help a child grow in their faith.

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  • Faith Steps

    Faith Steps is an opportunity for recently baptized children and their parents to gather, learn and grow together in Christ. These events will happen 4 times a year and are meant for parents of recently baptized Children.

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  • Two Year Old Bibles

    It is important that we continue to grow closer to Christ after Baptism, no matter our age. This gives the church an opportunity to pass on the Word of God through a picture toddler bible.

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  • 1st Grade – Bibles

    To help families continue to grow spiritually, even after the words of Holy Baptism. We can continue in this promise by putting God’s Holy Scripture in each child’s hand.

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  • Early Communion

    Early Communion class is for youth grade 5 and older with their parents and is designed to equip youth in the understanding of communion that it is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ himself for us Christians to eat and to drink. Classes are Nov 4 and 11 and you can register HERE.

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  • Grade 6 – Luther’s Small Catechisms

    This gives the church, parents and Godparents the opportunity to encourage and celebrate the child’s spiritual growth and completion of Xplore Our Savior and the transition into Jr. High ministries and confirmation.

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  • Grade 7 & Older Confirmation

    Confirmation at Our Savior Lutheran Church is to equip youth in developing a lifelong relationship with Christ, be able to identify with the mission of the Church and build relationships with the leaders, peers, and family.

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  • Sophomores Key Chains Driving and Responsibilities

    Getting a driver’s license is a milestone for both teenagers and their parents. Parents and teens learn together how to communicate with accountability and trust, then how to clarify expectations. It all fits hand in hand in learning how to make responsible choices in other areas of life.

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  • Graduation Loved and Sent

    To provide youth with a visual reminder that they are a child of God. As they graduate and move on we celebrate their academic achievements but more importantly how God has worked in their lives. They are loved by God, their parents, and church and now sent into the world.

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