Care Ministries

Jesus says in John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We all experience various troubles throughout our life. Jesus has overcome them in his death and resurrection and goes on to equip his Church to care for each other in those moments of trouble. At Our Savior, we offer various care programs for assisting people in such times. These programs are available to member and guest alike. 

If you would like to see more about the individual care programs, either to be cared for or volunteer, click here. For more information on any of these contact Pastor Eric or the church office at 402-371-9005.


GriefShare is a biblical, Christ-centered grief support group ministry. This is a lay-led program for anyone experiencing any sort of ongoing grief. The group uses a 13-week program model that allows people to come in and out as needed, and even allows some to go through the class more than once!

Griefshare meets at 6:00 pm on Thursday nights. It will begin again in January 2024.


Unless you've been there, it's hard to understand the hurt that comes from separation and divorce. The DivorceCare group is led by people who have been through divorce and are working to rebuild their lives. The group uses a 13-week program model that allows people to come in and out as needed, and even allows some to go through the class more than once!

DivorceCare meets at 7:00 pm Tuesday nights, but is currently taking the summmer off.

DivorceCare will begin meeting again the September 10th, 2024.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a national organization that offers a proven and effective way for congregation members to "provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties." Stephen Ministry caregivers are trained to offer care to those who are hurting. Each person receiving care is matched up with a caregiver for as long as care is needed. This program is free to member and guest alike.

These are the current Stephen Ministry Caregivers at Our Savior:

  • John Geary

    Team Co-Leader

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  • Gina Lindsay

    Team Co-Leader

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  • Jim Dishman

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  • Vivian Lackas

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  • Rosemary Goetsch

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  • Dave Pobanz

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  • Roger Feuerbacher

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  • Mark Clausen

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  • Dennis Goeller

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