All In Initiative

Jesus states His mission for the Church in Matthew 28: “19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. 

And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

These words are simple, but they can display themselves in the life of the church in many ways.

Jesus invites us to be a part of His mission to make and teach disciples. He has given us a vision of what the great commission looks like at Our Savior. God has provided us a special moment in time to accomplish more than we have dared to dream. We need men and women, like you, who are willing to be ALL IN. People who are willing to take ownership in being a part of God’s mission with a joyful, passionate, and unshakable faith. We also need resources to make this vision a reality. A vision that is never resourced is only a dream. Our Savior is committed to creating a clear vision, empowering the body of Christ to be engaged in the mission, and to encourage everyone to be involved in the resourcing of that mission. Will you be ALL IN?


the All in Vision

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  • • Enhance and maintain our worship spaces for engaging worship.

    • Build a covered entryway into the main entrance to our worship spaces to create a welcoming entrance.

    • Focus on parking lot improvements to extend the life of our facility.

    • Continue to develop our digital church community online as well as our broadcast on News Channel Nebraska to strengthen faith and foster community.

  • • Create a designated space for Middle High and Senior High Youth where they can continue to grow in faith and maturity.

    • Build additional space for Adult Bible Studies to expand, encourage and promote adult ministries for deeper faith development among our adult members.

    • Add additional staff who will focus on discipleship and equipping God’s people at Our Savior to Point People to Christ.

    • Encourage all generations to live out their baptismal identity in Jesus on a daily basis.

  • • Expand upon our broadcast and digital ministry to bring God’s word to the ends of the earth.

    • Accomplish debt freedom. With long term debts being reduced, new avenues for missions will be opened.

    • Set aside 10% of our budget for ministry outside the walls of our building.

    • Impact our community and ignite Northeast Nebraska and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus.

Digital Commitment Card

Click the online form below to fill out the information in the card. Physical cards are also available at the church!

Online Commitment Form