This fall, Our Savior Lutheran Church members will be hosting dozens of block parties across northeast Nebraska, and we need your help. The purpose of these events is to create community, connection, care, and support in your neighborhood. Gone are the days when we knew our neighbors, spent time with our neighbors, or watched our kids play with the neighborhood kids. We want to restore Neighbor 2 Neighbor relationships across northeast Nebraska.
Are you interested in participating? The staff will be hosting a series of informational meetings. These meetings are designed to share the vision of these events with you and provide you with information will need as you prayerfully consider being a host or co-host in your neighborhood. You can register at the link below or by calling the church office at (402) 371-9005.
Our next meeting for hosts and co-hosts will be Sunday, July 30th at both 9:00 am and 11:45 am.
Supply Request Form
What supplies will you need? Please fill out this form to request supplies for your get-together. Note: Some supplies, like tables and chairs, are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
click here for the Supplies request form
Invitations Request Form
Invitations are available in two styles, door hangers and postcards. Please let us know if you will need either for your get-together.
click here for the invitation request form
We know you have lots of questions so let us try to answer a few here.
- Where will these parties be? In your neighborhood. That does not mean it needs to be in your house. It may be in a neighborhood park or in maybe a street party or in someone's front yard. Every group of neighbors will decide the best location for their neighborhood party.
- How much will it cost? Your cost for hosting (co-hosting) a party will be zero. Our Savior will be providing resources for all the cost of your neighborhood party. We will be employing Thrivent Action Teams card to offset the cost so if you are a Thrivent member, please contact the church office at (402) 371-9005
- When will the party be hosted? We are hoping the parties will be Labor Day weekend. The exact date and time will be determined by each neighborhood.
- Who do I invite and how do I invite them? We will provide you with invitations to your specific party. The host and co-host in each neighborhood will determine the best way to deliver the invitations. We do hope everyone in your neighborhood is invited.
- Can we include other activities? Be as creative as possible. We want your neighborhood to have a great time getting to know one another.